For commercial cleaning in Petone, choose the CMOS team. We provide exceptional service, and we ensure that your offices, common areas, bathrooms, elevators – and anywhere else on your property that needs attention – always look their best.

We leave your commercial spaces clean and hygienic, and we provide a personalised service to every client with a dedicated Account Manager to take care of all of your requirements – 24/7.


Our Services

CMOS can tailor a customised clean to suit your specific needs. We offer a comprehensive range of services, take a look at a few below – or click here to see our entire range

Bathroom Cleans

We ensure that hygiene and cleanliness are maintained across all of your restrooms and that when employees and clients use your facilities they will find them stocked.

Lobby Clean

CMOS will clean your lobby to the highest standard, including your mirrored surfaces and your fittings. Ensure that the first impression you make is always positive.

Our CMOS Petone Team

Every crew we send to your Petone site is overseen by a comprehensively trained supervisor; this ensures that your crew remains accountable for all scheduled tasks.

Security & Confidentiality

At CMOS, we vet every employee as part of our hiring process so you can be certain that your workplace is secure and your confidentiality is respected. We also provide branded workwear to our crew and they carry formal identification so you know who is on your premises at all times.

Employee Vetting

At CMOS, all our staff show up in uniform with identification, and we vet every employee before we hire so you can be certain that your workplace stays safe and your confidentiality is respected.

Customised Cleaning Solutions

Because every business is unique, CMOS understands you could be open at the weekend, at night, or you may operate during regular office hours. 

Our schedule works around you; we book a slot that works around your operating hours to ensure minimal disruption to your workflow processes.

We Value Sustainability

We can provide separate rubbish pods for general rubbish, recyclables, and compostable materials. 

We encourage our cleaning crews to carpool and we use non-toxic green cleaning products for tasks wherever this is possible. We are always looking for new ways to innovate which are proven to be eco friendly and sustainable.

Get in Touch

Protect your business and reputation with commercial cleaning services that benefit your bottom line with increased productivity and elevated staff morale – and your peace of mind.

Get in touch today to book exceptional service for your business.

Contact CMOS

We only do weekly recurring cleans
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These posters are awesome for giving environmentally friendly tips to your office.

Download and print the posters today and get your team taking positive environmental action!


Want to know more about what else CMOS does for corporate social responsibility? Check out our CSR page!